It is said that in the final days of Planet Earth, everyone had bad dreams...
To the west of the north of that world, the human race did gather in celebration of a pagan rite. To banish the cold and the dark.
Each and every one of those people had dreamt of the terrible things to come. But they forgot, because they must.
They forgot their nightmares, of fire, and war, and insanity.
They forgot. Except for four...
Legends tell that these four intrepid humans used their rememberances only for good. To guard against evil, protect against invasion.
But the legends are wrong.
They used it to record a podcast.
And this week, in Episood 5, we look at the End of Time (Part 1).
As usual, either subscribe or download the latest installment via the aural wonderment of iTunes:
Or go straight to the Spirit of the Stairwell if you're not feeling appley today:
I don't see the podcast in iTunes or on spiritofthestairwell. Please repost!
Thank you! Love the show! I really hope you keep it going past the predetermined 6 episodes.
Glad you're enjoying it! We're currently plotting something for when the current run finishes, so keep an eye on the blog and I'll make sure something goes up to tell people about it!
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